work & admitting schedule
Attending Coverage:
MICU Attending is in-house from 0700-1700 and available by phone for return to hospital
Critical Care Consult Attending are in-house from 0700-1700 M-F
Fellow Coverage:
MICU Fellow is available either in-house or by phone for return to hospital in 30 mins
Day MICU Fellow is on-site from 0700-1700 M-F.
Night MICU Fellow is in-house from afternoon signout (1630) to 2200 M-F and is available by phone for return to hospital within 30 minutes until the following 0700
Weekend Fellow is on-site from 0700-1700 available by phone for return within 30 mins
Resident Schedule - IM Intern/Resident pairs rotate daily thru the following call status roles
Short-Call work from 0630/700 (Intern/resident) to completion of afternoon rounds (Monday - Friday); participates in admitting and patient care duties, AND daily teaching session unless stepping away for an admission. Leaving by ~15:00.
Long-Call work from 0630/700 (Intern/resident) to 20:00
Night Float work from 20:00 (Intern/resident) to completion of daily rounds the following morning.
Day off: refer to MICU schedule, as the day off schedule varies week to week.
Call Room: 4+5, 2
on-call responsibilities
Residents and interns carry pagers and Vocera devices.
Respond to all non-ED codes (code blue, code stroke, code heart) and rapid response calls, evaluating new consults, and managing new admissions and transfers.
Fellows respond to code blues, new consults, and admissions.
Long Call/Night Float requires staying inside the unit for most of the shift. A dedicated workstation is available for both the resident and intern.
Night Float team members are expected to stay for rounds unless prior arrangements have been made with the day shift fellow or attending.