Welcome to your VA rotation! Review the following before your first rotation as well as the first time you log into CPRS to ensure that you have the correct access. We are excited to have you join us!
HPT Provision
Please ensure that you have completed your required forms and TMS training in the email sent to you before starting. Please reach out to Evangeline Kokkinos or one of the chiefs for issues regarding onboarding.
You need to get fingerprinted and have your photo taken before rotating at the VA for access to the computer and EMR. To be fingerprinted and photographed you can either:
A. Walk in - at the DC VA Medical Center (50 Irving St NW) on Fridays from 7am-11:45am. Please let us know if you are planning on walking in so that we can ensure the badging office has all of the forms.
B. Schedule an appointment - this can be done at either the DC VA Medical Center (50 Irving St NW) or the Central VA Office (425 I St NW). This can be scheduled at va-piv.com.
Please note that for either option, you need to bring two forms of ID and at least one with a photo. The types of acceptable IDs are listed to the right.
how to get a piv
Once you are fingerprinted, you will need to have your photo taken. It takes approximately 48 hours for your fingerprints to clear. Once these two steps are completed, you will be able to get a PIV. To get your PIV you can either:
A. Walk in - at the DC VA Medical Center (50 Irving St NW) on M-F during normal business hours. You must let us know if you are planning on walking in ONE WEEK in advance so we can make arrangements.
B. Schedule an appointment - this can be done at the DC VA Medical Center (50 Irving St NW) ONLY. This can be scheduled at va-piv.com.
Please note that for either option, you need to bring two forms of ID and at least one with a photo. The types of acceptable IDs are listed to the right. You will likely not be able to pick up the ID at the photo appointment but will have to return at a later time to retrieve it once it has been printed.
Accepted forms of ID
State-issued drivers license
State DMV-issued ID card
U.S. passport
Military ID card
U.S. Coast Guard Merchant marine card
Foreign passport with appropriate stamps (i.e. active visa)
Permanent resident card or alien registration card with photograph (INS form I-151/I-551)
ID card issued by federal or state government
Social security card
Certified birth certificate
State voter registration card
Native American Tribal document
Certificate of US Citizenship
Certificate of Naturalization
Certificate of birth abroad issued by the Department of State
Permanent or Temporary resident card
ID card issued by local government with name, DOB, gender, height, eye color, and address
Non-photo ID card by federal and state gov't with above information
School ID with photograph
Canadian drivers license
US citizen ID card (Form I-179)
how to get a piv exemption
If you don't have a PIV you can still start your rotation, but you will need a PIV exemption to login to the computer. On your first day, to get a PIV exemption you call IT Local number x58129.
logging into cprs
Before your first day, you should receive login codes from the chiefs. Your CPRS login codes are called VistA/CPRS and include a temporary password which you change when your first login.
making an e-signature
You must make an e-signature to be able to sign any orders on CPRS. This is done by choosing Tools >> Utilities >> Create e-signature.
Adding Notes to favorites
This will help you to easily start new notes, so that you don't have to search every time you start a note.
Under the “Tools” Menu, click “Options,” then the “Notes” tab. Click the “Document Titles” button. We recommend the following frequently used note types:
Admission History and Physical
Med: Inpatient Progress Note
Med: Inpatient Cross Cover Note
Med: Discharge Progress Note (can be used on the patient’s last day if being discharged in the morning)
Med: Fall Medical Assessment and Intervention Note
Universal Protocol Note – Physician
Universal Protocol Note – Time Out
Central Line Insertion Note
Discharge Instructions Part A
Discharge Instructions Part B
Code Blue: Medicine Note
Rapid Response Team (RRT) Physician Note
CPRS basics
CPRS is the EMR that is used by all the VA nationwide. It was first created in the 1980s and so has a few quirks that you will quickly learn and adapt to. It has all of the functionality of the EMRs at your home institutions as well as the ability to do much more. During your in-person orientation, you will get a primer on CPRS and important tools to use every day, but in the meantime you can refer to these YouTube videos for a preview.
Remote Access to CPRS - Click Here for Directions
​There are a few ways to park at the VA:
Employee Parking Garage - requires a PIV for entrance. On Mondays, bring a copy of your drivers license, registration, insurance, and this vehicle registration form to the VA police office in the basement (GE-270). They will activate your badge to enter the garage.
Parking lot near Building 6 - this often fills up very quickly, you show your ID to the police officer at the front entrance and drive past the patient parking to the back of the hospital
Soldier's Home - see the following map on how to get to the Soldier's Home. A shuttle runs every 10-15 minutes between the Soldier's Home and the VA Medical Center​